Friday, September 12, 2008



Another birthday girl within the same week. Jie, you are one year older already, just a gentle reminder that you are in your last 20s. Muahahahaha!!! Anyway, I wish you all the best and I hope that your birthday will be that of a surprisingly great one.

This week was really so very much of a havoc week for me... working damn late into the night, rushing out press realeases and fact sheets. And last night was the ultimatum! Media entertainment till 11pm!! I reached home and concussed till morning lo... But it was alright la... at least still have free dinner and the reporter was so damn nice... Have never met anyone like her... Needless to say, due to the long hours of work the day before, I was late for work today just cos I was too relunctant to get up, I just kept giving myself another 5mins...

I am feeling a little insecure in my relationship now... Don't know what else to do, don't know what else to think, just feeling insecure and unsure of a future. I used to think that everything would work out right but would it? If I'd continuously psychoed myself into thinking that I am confident that everything would turn out right, would it then be living a lie?

Will a leopard ever change its spots... ? Humans aren't leopards right... ? Right... ?

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